Client Name
First Name
Last Name
Weeks of Gestation
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
99201 Office Visit (New Patient - 10 min)
99202 Office Visit (New Patient - 20 min)
99203 Office Visit (New Patient - 30 min)
99204 Office Visit (New Patient - 45 min)
99205 Office Visit (New Patient - 60 min)
99211 Office Visit (Established - 5 min)
99212 Office Visit (Established - 10 min)
99213 Office Visit (Established - 15 min)
99214 Office Visit (Established - 25 min)
99215 Office Visit (Established - 40 min)
99216 Office Visit (Established - 60 min)
59425 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (4-6)
59426 Bundle of Prenatal Visits (7+)
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
59430 Routine Follow up
59610 Bundle - Delivery and PP only
80061 Lipid Panel
80053 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
82307 Vitamin D
84443 TSH
85025 CBC
84481 FreeT3
84439 FreeT4
83018 GDS
87071 GBS
86592 Syphillis
3513F Hepatits B Screen
3514F Hepatitis C Screen
99000 Lab Handling
81002 Urine Analysis
99344 Initial Newborn Exam
99464 Birth Assistant
99465 Newborn Resuscitation
E0443 + E0425 O2 + Ambu Bag
84597 + 96372 Vitamin K
36415 NB Venip (cord blood)
36416 NB Venip - Heel, Finger
99349 Follow up NB Exam
94761 CCHD - Cardiac Oxim
84030 + 36416 + S3620 Newborn Infant Screen
99460 Initial Hospital - well baby day 1/1+ days
99462 Follow up Hospital Care - well baby
99070 Erythromycin
82948 Glucose
86900 Blood Typing ABO
86901 Blood Typing Rh (D)
A4624 DeLee
S9098 Bililights at Home
41010 Frenulotomy
Diagnostic Code 1
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 2
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 3
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Diagnostic Code 4
V22.0 First Pregnancy
V22.1 Multiple Pregnancies
790.22 Abnormal GTT
v23.81 Advanged Age, First Pregnancy
V23.82 Advanced Age, Multiple Pregnancy
648.23 Anemia
648.03 Antepartum Diabetes Mellitus
655.13 Antibody Screen
V28.6 Beta Strep Screen
641.13 Bleed, Placenta Previa
640.93 Bleeding in First Trimester
641.93 Bleeding in Pregnancy
V72.86 Blood typing
652.23 Breech Presentation w/o Delivery
655.73 Reduced Fetal Movement
642.6X Eclampsia
659.53 Elderly Primip
796.2 Elevated BP w/o Hypertension
655.13 Fetal Abnormality
648.83 Gestational Diabetes
659.43 Grand Multip
642.03 Hypertension, Benign
634.92 Miscarriage
632 Missed Abortion
v23.5 Poor Fertility Hx
v23.49 Poor OB Outcome Hx
642.4 Pre-eclampsia, Mild
642.53 Pre-eclampsia, Severe
642.33 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
656.13 Rh Factor MOM
649.5X Spotting in Pregnancy
640.03 Threatened Abortion, First Trimester
648.1X Thyroid Dysfuction
651.03 Twin Pregnancy, Complication
V23.9 Unspecified High Risk Pregnancy
v28.9 Unspecified prenatal Screen
643.13 Vomiting, Heavy
643.03 Vomiting, Mild
V23.83 Young, First Pregnancy
V23.84 Young, Multiple Pregnancies
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
659.7O Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Unspec. Episode
659.71 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Delivery
659.73 Abnormality in fetal heart rate/rhythm - Antepartum
658.1O Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.11 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Delivered
658.13 Fluid Leak/Premature Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
652.2O Breech without Version - Unspec Episode
652.21 Breech without Version - Delivery
652.23 Breech without Version - Antepartum
644.OO Threatened Premature Labor - Unspec Episode
644.03 Threatened Premature Labor - Antepartum
644.1O Other Threatened Labor - Unspec. Episode
644.13 Other Threatened Labor - Antepartum
644.2O Early Onset of Delivery - Unspec. Episode
644.21 Early Onset of Delivery - Delivery
660.3O Deep Transverse Arrest - Unspec. Episode
660.31 Deep Transverse Arrest - Delivery
660.33 Deep Transverse Arrest - Antepartum
658.2O Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Unspec. Episode
658.21 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Delivery
658.23 Delayed Del. / Spon. Rupture of Membranes - Antepartum
642.6O Eclampsia complicating Pregnancy/Birth/Puerperium - Unspec. Episode
642.61 Eclampsia with Delivery
642.62 Eclampsia with Delivery with Postpartum complication
642.63 Eclampsia Antepartum
642.64 Eclampsia Postpartum
660.1O Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Unspec Episode
660.11 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Delivery
661.13 Pelvic Obstruction During Labor - Antepartum
660.6O Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Unspec. Episode
660.61 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Delivery
660.63 Unspec. Failed Trial of Labor - Antepartum
642.3O Transient Hypertension - Unspec Episode
642.31 Transient Hypertension - Delivery
642.32 Transient Hypertension - Delivery with Postpartum Complication
642.33 Transient Hypertension - Antepartum
642.34 Transient Hypertension - Postpartum
652.1O Vertex after Version - Unspec Episode
652.11 Vertex after Version - Delivery
652.13 Vertex after Version - Antepartum
656.6O Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Unspec Episode
656.61 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Delivery
656.63 Large for Dates, Affecting MGMT of Mother - Antepartum
652.9O Malpresentation - Unspec. Episode
652.91 Malpresentation - Delivered
652.93 Malpresentation - Antepartum
659.6O Other Advanced Maternal Age - Unspec Episode
659.61 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ or W/O Antepartum Cond.
659.63 Other Advanced Maternal Age - Delivered W/ Antepartum Cond.
659.2O Maternal Fever - Unspec. Episode of Care
659.21 Maternal Fever - Delivery
659. 23 Maternal Fever - Antepartum
658.OX Oligohydraminios - Unspec. Episode
658.01 Oligohydraminios - Delivery
658.03 Oligohydraminios - Antepartum
657.OX Polyhydraminios - Unspec Episode
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Delivery
657.0X Polyhydraminios - Antepartum Complication
645.1X Post Term - Unspec (40-42 Weeks)
645.2X Post Term - Unspec (43+ Weeks)
642.4X Mild/Unspecified Pre-eclampsia
644.0X Thretened Premature Labor (22-37 Weeks)
662.0X Prolonged 1st Stage Labor
661.4X Hypertonic incoordinate/prolonged contractions
665.7X Reduced Fetal Movement
660.4X Shoulder Dystocia
656.5X Small for Dates
659.9X Strip Membranes / Unspecified Labor Intervention
V02.5X Suspect GBS Carrier
660.6X Unspecified Failed Labor
656.9X Unspecified Fetal / Placenta Problems
652.9X Unspecified Malposition
652.0X Unstable Lie
V24.O Immediate PP Exam
V24.1 PP Follow up / Lactation
V24.2 Routine PP Follow up
666.02 PP Hemorrhage
666.22 Delayed/Secondary Hemorrhage
674.04 Retained Placenta
664.01 1st Degree Laceration
664.11 2nd Degree Laceration
664.21 3rd Degree Laceration
664.31 4th Degree Laceration
647.94 Unspecified PP Infection
648.14 PP Thyroid Dysfunction
––– SYMPTOMS –––
789.07 Abdominal Pain
285.9X Anemia
799.21 Anxiety (Unspec)
493.9X Asthma
466.XX Bronchitis
354.XX Carpal Tunnel
786.2X Cough
311.XX Depressive Disorder
250.01 Diabetes 1
250.XX Diabetes 2
V77.1 Diabetes Screen
V65.3 Diet Counseling
780.4 Dizziness / Vertigo
V58.31 Dressing Wound
782.2 Localized Swelling
382.XX Otitis Media
724.2 Pain, Low Back
486 Pneumonia
998.59 Post-OP infection
782.1 Rash
714.X Rheumatoid Arthritis
786.05 Shortness of Breath
034.X Strep Throat
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection
788.41 Urinary Frequency
079.XX Viral Infection, Unspec
V73.99 Viral Screening
787.04 Vomiting
783.21 Weight Loss
674.34 Open Wound, Bleeding
V20.2 Routine Infant or Child Health Check
V21.30 Unspec Low Birth Weight
V29.2 Observe/Suspect Respiratory
V29.9 Observe for Unspec Suspect Condition
V30.2 Single NB Born Outside Hospital
V31.2 Twins Born at Home
V77.3 Metabolic Screening
750.O Tongue Tie
750.26 Other Mouth Anomalies, Frenulum
763.O Breech Delivery Affecting Newborn
763.1 Other Malposition Affecting Newborn
763.6 Precip Delivery Affecting Newborn
764.OO Small for Gest Age
767.2 Fractured Clavicle
769 Resp Distress Syndrome
770.1 NB Aspiration Unspec
770.6 Transitory Tachypnea
770.81 Primary Apnea
771.7 Thrush
772.3 Umbilical Bleeding
774.6 Jaundice
779.31 Feeding Problems
779.34 Failure to Thrive
783.21 Weight Loss
783.4O Slow Weight Gainer
796.1 Poor (Sucking) Reflex
Procedure name or CPT Code
Dx Code/Description